Tips untuk pengidap darah tinggi

 Bagi penghidap darah tinggi, ada beberapa perkara yang perlu dielakkan untuk menjaga kesihatan:

1. **Makanan tinggi garam**: Kurangkan pengambilan makanan yang tinggi garam seperti makanan segera dan snek masin.
2. **Makanan tinggi lemak**: Hindari makanan berlemak tinggi seperti makanan bergoreng dan makanan segera.

Cara mengelakkan penyakit kencing manis


kencing manis

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Cara untuk mengelakkan penyakit kencing manis.

Kurangkan Pengambilan Gula
Kurangkan penggunaan gula dalam makanan dan minuman harian

Lakukan Aktiviti Fizikal
Bersenam secara berkala seperti berjalan kaki, berlari, atau berenang.

Ambil Makanan Berserat Tinggi
Makan lebih banyak sayur-sayuran, buah-buahan, bijirin penuh, dan kekacang.

Minum Air Kosong
Elakkan minuman bergula dan pilih air kosong sebagai minuman utama.

Pilih Makanan Bijirin Penuh
Gantikan roti putih dan pasta dengan pilihan bijirin penuh.

Kawal Berat Badan
Kekalkan berat badan yang sihat melalui diet seimbang dan senaman.

Elakkan Makanan Berlemak dan Karbohidrat Halus

Kurangkan makanan seperti roti putih, pasta, dan minuman berkarbonat.

Amalkan Gaya Hidup Sihat
Tidur yang cukup, kurangkan tekanan, dan tidak merokok.

Bahaya menghisap vape


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Berikut adalah nota mengenai bahaya menghisap vape:

Bahaya Menghisap Vape

  1. Tidak 100% Selamat

  2. Kesan Buruk pada Jantung dan Paru-paru

  3. Risiko Penyakit Paru-paru

  4. Bahaya Asap Vape

  5. Kesan pada Sistem Imunisasi

  6. Risiko kepada Orang Sekeliling


Menghisap vape bukanlah alternatif yang selamat kepada merokok. Ia membawa pelbagai risiko kesihatan yang serius kepada pengguna dan orang di sekeliling. Oleh itu, adalah penting untuk menjauhi tabiat ini demi kesihatan yang lebih baik.

Jika ada apa-apa lagi yang anda ingin tahu atau perlukan bantuan, jangan segan untuk bertanya! 😊

1: eCentral 2: Hello Sehat 3: MKN

What is heart attack

 A heart attack, also known as a myocardial infarction, occurs when the blood flow to a part of the heart muscle is blocked, usually by a blood clot.

This blockage prevents oxygen and nutrients from reaching that part of the heart, which can cause damage to the heart muscle.

 Common symptoms include chest pain or discomfort, shortness of breath, nausea, cold sweats, and pain in the arms, neck, jaw, or back. 

It's a medical emergency that requires immediate attention to minimize damage to the heart muscle and improve the chances of recovery.

Stop smoking

 Here are some tips to help you stop smoking:

1. **Set a Quit Date:** Choose a specific date to quit smoking. This can give you a target to work towards and mentally prepare for the change.

2. **Identify Triggers:** Recognize situations, emotions, or activities that trigger your urge to smoke. Try to avoid or manage these triggers.

3. **Replace Habits:** Replace the smoking habit with healthier alternatives, such as chewing gum, snacking on fruits, or engaging in physical activity.

4. **Seek Support:** Let your friends, family, and coworkers know about your goal to quit smoking. Their support and encouragement can be valuable.

5. **Consider Nicotine Replacement Therapy:** Nicotine gum, patches, or lozenges can help manage nicotine cravings as you gradually reduce your dependence.

6. **Stay Busy:** Engage in activities that keep your mind and hands occupied, reducing the focus on smoking.

7. **Join a Support Group:** Connecting with others who are also trying to quit can provide a sense of community and understanding.

8. **Practice Stress Management:** Find healthy ways to manage stress, like deep breathing, meditation, or exercise.

9. **Reward Yourself:** Set up a reward system for milestones reached, like a treat or a small gift.

10. **Visualize Success:** Imagine the benefits of quitting, such as improved health, better breathing, and saving money.

11. **Avoid Smoking Triggers:** Remove smoking-related items from your environment, such as ashtrays and lighters.

12. **Stay Persistent:** Relapses can happen. If you slip up, don't get discouraged. Learn from the experience and continue your efforts to quit.

Remember, quitting smoking is a process that might take time. If you find it challenging, consider seeking professional help from a doctor or a counselor. They can provide tailored advice and support to increase your chances of success.

Coronavirus vaccine side effects....

 Coronavirus vaccine side effects

Reported side effects to COVID-19 vaccines have mostly been mild to moderate and short-lasting. They include:

  • fever
  • fatigue
  • headache
  • muscle pain
  • chills
  • diarrhoea
  • pain at the injection site

Covid-19 - Boleh membiak dalam hidung, individu divaksin masih boleh dilindungi - Dr Noor Hisham

Bukan sahaja boleh menular dalam tempoh lima hingga 15 saat serta tersebar melalui udara, kajian terkini mendapati varian Delta COVID-19 lebih ganas apabila boleh membiak di dalam hidung individu yang sudah menerima vaksin


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